Atulsia Technologies ئاپەکان

Helpies 1.0
Atulsia Technologies
Helpies App will connect you with Maids,Cooks,Babysitters aroundyour locality.
Rockada 1.2.2
Atulsia Technologies
How to manage your finances successfully? How to get all yourassets information at one place? Are you tired of keeping track ofyour expenses using spreadsheets? It’s all easy! With Rockada, youcan do all of the above listed things and many more. Add a newexpense into the expense category whenever you go out for dinner orbuy coffee. Add details of your assets- whatever you own like acar, a house or your shares and get all the information at oneplace. Key Features: -Intuitive dashboard and simple to use userinterface -Effectively manage your assets by categorizing them -Addmultiple bank accounts, property, insurance, shares and stocks andmuch more! -You can track your entire net worth on dashboard. -Addnew expenses and assets quickly -Customize categories, if defaultsare not to your liking -See your spending distribution oninformative charts -Pull detailed pre-categorized reports toanalyze your expenses -Choose the report period -Set reminders onrecurring expenses and get alerts hourly, daily or monthly -You canwrite notes too -Pin protection -Encryption protects your data fromothers Upcoming Features: -Multiple currency- choose your currencyaccording to your country -Face recognition security: It ensuresthat if your login credentials are lost, anyone else cannot accessyour data. -Find Nearby- Find the nearest ATM to your location!Find more information on our website - Plus - Facebook - Twitter -
Mamu Fame RJ Vinod 1.1
Atulsia Technologies
We bring Official App for RJ Vinod Gori. Vinod is Radio Jockey,Music Scheduler at 92.7 BIG FM Radio and he is professional Anchorand freelancer Voice Over artist and Scrip writer. He has hostedevents like Musical show with Shreya Goshal, Suresh Wadkar, RannUtsav at Kutch, Rajkot Half Marathon, CM Smt. Anandiben Patel'sconference, CM Shri Vijaybhai Rupani's conference and HindiGujarati film promotion events. He is also very famous for "Mamu"(Prank Call). In this app, you can download and listen to Vinod'smamu audio clips. Mamu Fame RJ Vinod App will allow all of his fansto - Know more about him. - Daily news and updates. - Listen tolatest Mamu audio within the app. - Watch all YouTube videos withinthe app. - View photo gallery. - Send him inquiries related to anysuggestion or project you want him to work. Send us yoursuggestions.
Megastores - Authentic Handicrafts Shopping Online 1.2.2
Atulsia Technologies is an online marketplace for artisans andorganizations to sell their authentic handmade products globallyunder their own brand name ensuring customers a quality purchase ata fair price. We make sure that the artisans are tech enabledenough to market their products digitally. Our team personallyvisits artisans, makes their stories, documents their craft and atthe same time checks the authenticity of the product. We providecomplete product cataloging for free which includes productphotography, writing product descriptions and specifications. Thishelps the artisans create their own brand and get the due creditfor their art work. This way every product on megastores isdirectly sold by the artisans with their stories. Customers get thecomplete know how of not only the product but also the craft andthe artisan too. As the customer is able to shop directly from theartisan, reducing in between sales channels, assures that theproduct is available at a fair price. Every purchase ensures preservation of our culture and furthernurtures these age old traditional craft forms along with promotingsustainable living. Download the app from googleplay store on your mobile phones. Create an account for yourself.After you are successfully done with the login procedure, you willbe taken to the homepage where you can see the product lists,offers, and ads. - Search for the product in the list. - Narrowdown your search using different filters. - Check the ratings andreviews given by sellers and other customers, along withspecifications. - Share the products with your friends, family onWhatsApp, facebook, email etc. - Make easy payments through variouspayment options using online payment. - The products you like canbe added to favorites also. - Get latest and quick updates aboutyour products in the notification section including the status ofyour product, the latest sale events information and offers.>> Permission Along with basic permissions, the app needspermissions to access some other features of your device like - -SMS - to auto verify the OTP for verification. - Operating SystemRequirement- Requires Android KitKat version 4.4 or higher. - Ourcustomer support is available in your service for any product ordelivery related issue.
HSS US Sampark & Suryanamaskar 1.1.8
Atulsia Technologies
HSS US proudly presents the app for Yoga, Indian Cultural events& festivals.
Kare Doctor 1.2
Atulsia Technologies
Application to keep a track of their appointments on an onlineplatform.
ChemAtoZ 1.7
Atulsia Technologies
ChemAtoZ is an e-Commerce platform for giving buyers an easyaccessto a diverse range of products at just the click of a button.Acomprehensive chemical database and a resourcefulsuppliermanagement system matched with an intelligent analyticsengineenables this platform to assist buyers in getting theirdesiredproducts with great ease. Features -Search in huge productDB-Precisely Matching -Product Enquiry -Order management
Sia - Virtual Assistant 1.3.0Release
Atulsia Technologies
Sia is a Virtual Assistant for blind people taking voice commands
Bhanusamaj Official Samaj App 2.6.2
Atulsia Technologies
Bhanusamaj events, Classifieds, Prarthana, Photos, Videos, Audio,Books & more.
Trident by Atlantis Partners 1.9.8
Atulsia Technologies
Trident is dual login application. Workforce login andCustomerLogin. This application provides an easy for the work forcetomanage their daily work timings and payroll. They can alsocheckother members working with them, the location where theyareworking etc. On the other side, customers can submit aninquiry,track the project, chat with service providers etc. 1.Technician:Dashboard The dashboard will show the current shift forthat day.It will show those projects on which technician has towork in next2 hours. It will show all shift details like Projectname, shiftstart and end time, work-location and Punch-In/Outbutton besideaddress detail. The technician will be able to dopunch only infollowing conditions: 1. Technician must be withinpunch-in area 2.Internet connection is ON 3. GPS is turn ON 4.Also, technician cando punch-in on start time or 2 hours before thestart time of shiftAlso when the technician goes out the punch-inarea then he/shewill get punch-out automatically. 2. Technician:Work Hours WorkHours will show the full list of shifts on whichtechnician hadworked. For each shift, the technician can see totalwork hours,date and shift timing. Also, it will show which allshifts areapproved or unapproved by Administrator. A filter isprovided ifthe technician wants to filter his work in between forany date. Atthe bottom, it will show the total hours technician hasspent onprojects. 3. Technician: My Shifts Here technician can seetheprevious, current and future shifts/projects assigned to him.Also,he can see projects details, like work location, shifttiming,co-workers, also session and payroll of previous projects.Indetails, it shows the contact person, email id and contact foreachparticular project. If technician clicks on the map then itwillredirect them to google map. He can apply the filter toseeprojects of any particular dates assigned to them. 4.Technician:Profile This screen shows the details of the technician,entered bythem while registering or updated by Admin. It shows theprofilepicture and name of technician, contact and addressinformation,and role of technician i.e Technical classification 5.Customer:New Enquiry New customers can submit inquiries. To createa newproject following information is needed: Project name,Projectdate, Scope of the work and Tool's required for projects,Addressof project location etc. The created project will get addedto MyProjects. 6. Customer: My Projects The customer can seeprojectscreated by them. The customer can filter them out either as'Bycreated date' OR 'By name'. Also, the customer can create thenewproject by clicking '+' button. Projects details are alsoprovided.Each project details are having 3 tabs 'INFO', 'LOCATION'and'MESSAGES'. MESSAGE tab will show the tickets created bycustomeror Admin. It is more like messaging tool which supportsattachmentsas well. 7. Customer: My Profile This screen shows thecustomer'sinformation. It shows the profile picture, company name,job title,and other contact information. 8. Customer: Messages Herethecustomer can create tickets and can chat with Admin in case ofanyquery or doubts. In Messaging, the customer can also addattachmentlike images or documents. Whenever Admin creates newtickets orreplies to existing ticket, the customer will get anotification.
Atulsia AR 1.0.2
Atulsia Technologies
Atulsia AR external App which works with Atulsia Megastoresaugmented reality.
Megastores Artisans & Sellers 1.4.7
Atulsia Technologies
With Megastores Seller app, you can open your onlinehandicraftstore for free.